Papers being accepted to the LBM special issue of BMC Bioinformatics and for long oral presentations
1. |
Automatic construction of rule-based ICD-9-CM coding systems |
2. |
Combining Gene Ontology and Argumentative Features for Automatic GeneRIF
Extraction |
3. |
Automatic rewriting of patient records narratives |
4. |
Assessment of diseases named entity recognition on a corpus of annotated
sentences |
5. |
Structuring an event ontology for disease outbreak detection |
6. |
New challenges for Text Mining: Mapping between text and manually
curated pathways |
7. |
Monitoring the Evolutionary Aspect of the Gene Ontology to Enhance
Predictability and Usability |
8. |
A Comparative Analysis of Five Protein-protein Interaction Corpora |
9. |
Normalizing biomedical
terms by minimizing ambiguity and variability |
10. |
Exploiting and Integrating Rich Features for Biological Literature
Classification |
11. |
Identification of Transcription Factor Contexts in Literature using
Machine Learning Approaches |
12. |
Text Mining to Find the Meaning of Medical Concept Correlations |
Papers being accepted for short oral presentations
1. |
Analysis and
Enhancement of Conditional Random Fields Gene Mention Taggers in BioCreative II
Challenge Evaluation |
2. |
Clinical Guidelines Modelling with Lightweight Coordination Calculus |
3. |
Predicting Protein Interactions from
Conserved Interactions and Publications |
4. |
Two-Phase Chief Complaint Mapping to the UMLS Metathesaurus in Korean
Electronic Medical Records |
5. |
The Integration of Multiple Feature Representations for
Protein Protein Interaction Classification Task |
6. |
Causal Relation Extraction (CaRE) in Medical Discharge
Summaries � a Hierarchical Rule-based Approach |
7. |
Recognition of Multisentence n-ary
Subcellular Localization Mentions in Biomedical Abstracts |
8. |
Editing Medical Data Records with a Natural Language
Interface |
9. |
Syntactic features for protein-protein interaction extraction |
10. |
Classifier ensemble for biomedical document retrieval |
11. |
Interaction Abstract Identification with Contextual Bag of Words |